If you are interested in participating or have questions about one of these studies, please email [email protected]

Prospective cohort study enrolling primiparous women to investigate how maternal immune function and progesterone responsiveness is associated with spontaneous preterm birth. (PI: Elovitz, NIAID)

Prospective cohort study enrolling multiparous women with a history of preterm birth to investigate how maternal immune function and progesterone responsiveness is associated with spontaneous preterm birth. (PI: Elovitz, NIAID)

Prospective cohort study enrolling pregnant women to investigate if specific immunephenotypes are associated with acquisition and severity of Sars-Cov-2. (PI: Elovitz, NIAID).

Prospective cohort study enrolling pregnant and lactating women who are planning to receive the Sars-COV-2 vaccine. Observing immunity transmission between fetus or baby and vaccinated mother. (PI: Elovitz, NIAID)

Prospective cohort study enrolling healthy pregnant patients without diabetes to wear a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) during their pregnancy to detect correlation between glucose levels (blinded to patient and provider and adverse pregnancy outcomes. (PI: Durnwald, Jaeb).
Celeste P. Durnwald, MD profile | PennMedicine.org
Penn Medicine Women’s Health Clinical Research Center (upenn.edu)

Prospective cohort study recruiting non-pregnant Black women and following them through pregnancy studying environmental exposures (stress, racism, neighborhood factors) and the vaginal microbiome with adverse reproductive outcomes (PI: Elovitz, NINR).

Prospective cohort study recruiting pregnant Black women to investigate how environmental exposures (stress, racism, neighborhood factors) and the vaginal microbiome-immune response is associated with spontaneous preterm birth. (PI: Elovitz, NINR).

Prospective cohort study studying how adverse childhood experiences influences immune function in pregnant individuals as underlying mechanism for maternal morbidity. (PI: Elovitz, NINR).

>100,000 Person birth database to assess enviromental factors that influence maternal and child health outcomes. (PI: Burris, CHOP).